摘要: 英文名称:Delivery 中文名称:交割/交货将合约牵涉的商品、证券、现金或交割文件送交给合约持有人,并由合约持有人收妥,从而实现商品、证券、现金的转移。The action by which an[阅读全文:]
摘要: 英文名称:Double Witching 中文名称:双巫日/双约同时到期指股价指数期货合约、股价指数期权及个股期权这三种合约中的两种同时到期。Similar to triple witching, bu[阅读全文:]
摘要: 英文名称:Down-and-out Option 中文名称:下跌即撤销期权一种界限期权(barrier option),在标的物价格跌破预先约定的水平后失效。A type of knock-out ba[阅读全文:]
摘要: 英文名称:Call Option 中文名称:看涨期权指期权的购买者有权在期权合约规定的时间内以特定的价格买入一定数量的标的物(即股票、外汇、利率等),且没有必须买入的义务。若投资者认为未来股价上涨,则可[阅读全文:]
摘要: 英文名称:Capped Option 中文名称:有上限期权指预先设定有利润上限的一种期权,当其相关证券价格等于或高于(对买入期权而言)或相等于或低于(对出售期权而言)期权上限价格时,期权将会自动被行使。[阅读全文:]
摘要: An bullish strategy used by investors who feel that the market price of a commodity will appreciate b[阅读全文:]
摘要: An option is at-the-money if the strike price of the option equals the market price of the underlying[阅读全文:]
摘要: The physical commodity that underlies a futures contract or is traded in the physical market. This is[阅读全文:]
摘要: A type of option where the payoff is either zero or the amount by which the average price of the asse[阅读全文:]
摘要: A swap designed to transfer the credit exposure of fixed income products between parties. The buy[阅读全文:]