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Trinomial Option Pricing Model
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1708次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:24

摘要: An option pricing model incorporating three possible values that an underlying asset can have in one time period. The three possible values the underlying asset can have in a time period may be greate[阅读全文:]

Triple Witching
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1686次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:24

摘要: An event that occurs when the contracts for stock index futures, stock index options and stock options all expire on the same day. Triple witching days happen four times a year on the third Friday of [阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1889次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:24

摘要: The rate at which the vomma of an option will react to volatility in the underlying market. It is the third order derivative of the option value with respect to volatility, or the derivative of vomma [阅读全文:]

Uncovered Option
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A type of options contract that is not backed by an offsetting position that would help mitigate risk. “Trading naked”, as it is called, poses significant risks. However, an uncovered o[阅读全文:]

Underlying Asset
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A term used in derivatives trading, such as with options. A derivative is a financial instrument whose price is based (derived) from a different asset. The underlying asset is the financial instrum[阅读全文:]

Synthetic Put
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1776次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:24

摘要: An investment strategy of short selling a security and entering a long position on its call.

This almost has the same effect as buying a put; the downside loss potential of the short pos[阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:2294次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:24

摘要: A measure of the rate of decline in the value of an option due to the passage of time. Theta can also be referred to as the time decay on the value of an option. If everything is held constant, then t[阅读全文:]

Time Decay
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2788次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:24

摘要: The ratio of the change in an option's price to the decrease in time to expiration. Since options are wasting assets, their value declines over time. As an option approaches its expiry date without b[阅读全文:]

Time Value
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2133次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:24

摘要: The portion of the option premium that is attributable to the amount of time remaining until the expiration of the option contract.

Basically, time value is the value the option has in a[阅读全文:]

Trade or Fade Rule
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1867次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:24

摘要: An option exchange rule that prevents the occurrence of a trade through.

If a better bid is posted on another exchange for an option and a market maker is unwilling or unable to match it[阅读全文:]