摘要: A procedure implemented to protect an option holder where the Option Clearing Corporation will automatically exercise an "in the money" option for the holder.
Think of it as an insuran[阅读全文:]
摘要: An option payoff that is equal to the asset's price if the asset is above the strike price, otherwise the payoff is zero.
These types of options don't function like regular (plain vani[阅读全文:]
摘要: A form of vesting that takes place at a faster rate than the initial vesting schedule in a company's stock option plan. This allows the option holder to receive the monetary benefit from the option m[阅读全文:]
摘要: The calculation of an insurance premium based on crucial factors such as the applicant's age, gender, health, family history and the type of insurance coverage applied for. This allows insurers to tr[阅读全文:]
摘要: 1. An option's strike price after adjustments have been made for stock splits to its underlying security.
2. A term used to describe the strike prices for options written on Ginn[阅读全文:]
摘要: The strike price of a put or call option multiplied by its contract size. Aggregate exercise prices are used to determine the dollar amount required should the option be exercised.
For e[阅读全文:]
摘要: The most common of three official methods established by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association for calculating termination payments on a prematurely ended swap. The agreement value metho[阅读全文:]
摘要: A hedge position taken in anticipation of a future buy or sell transaction. An anticipatory hedge is used when an investor intends on entering the market and wants to reduce his or her risk by taking [阅读全文:]
摘要: An option whose payoff depends on the average price of the underlying asset over a certain period of time as opposed to at maturity. Also known as an average option.
This type of option contrac[阅读全文:]
摘要: An option feature whereby a reference price is activated at the end of an option should the underlying fall below a specified average before option expiry.
This method of averaging the level of[阅读全文:]