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Basket Option
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2730次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:20

摘要: A type of option whose underlying asset is a basket of commodities, securities, or currencies.

A currency basket option provides a cheaper method for multinational corporations to receiv[阅读全文:]

Bear Call Spread
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1869次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:20

摘要: A type of options strategy used when a decline in the price of the underlying asset is expected. It is achieved by selling call options at a specific strike price while also buying the same number of [阅读全文:]

Average Price Put
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1434次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:20

摘要: A type of option where the payoff is either zero or the amount by which the strike price exceeds the average price of the asset.
The average price of these exotic options is derived with a timef[阅读全文:]

Average Rate Option - ARO
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2304次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:20


An option used to hedge against fluctuations in exchange rates by averaging the spot rates over the life of the option and comparing that to the strike price of the option. Average rate options are[阅读全文:]

Assignable Contract
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1588次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:20

摘要: A futures contract with a provision permitting the contract holder to convey his or her rights of assignment to a third party. This enables the contract holder to assign the rights and obligations of [阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:2149次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:20

摘要: 1. The transfer of an individual's rights or property to another person or business.

2. A notice received by an option writer stating that the option sold has been exercised by the purchaser [阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:2005次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:20

摘要: The act of clearing houses and brokerages selecting short option and future contract holders to deliver underlying securities or commodities of maturing or exercised/tendered contracts.
Not all[阅读全文:]

Association Of Futures Brokers And Dealers - AFBD
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2488次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:20

摘要: An organization established by the major London futures exchanges to provide regulatory supervision for futures brokers and dealers. The Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers (AFBD) was a self-re[阅读全文:]

Automated Clearing House - ACH
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2216次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:20

摘要: An electronic funds-transfer system run by the National Automated Clearing House Association. This payment system deals with payroll, direct deposit, tax refunds, consumer bills, tax payments and many[阅读全文:]

Automatic Exercise
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1563次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:20

摘要: A procedure implemented to protect an option holder where the Option Clearing Corporation will automatically exercise an "in the money" option for the holder.

Think of it as an insuran[阅读全文:]