摘要: 威廉指数(Williams%Rate)是由拉瑞·威廉于1973年的《我如何赚取百万美元》一书中首先发表的,所以以他的名字命名,原名叫“威廉超买超卖指数”,简称WMS%R或%R。该指数是利用摆动点来度量市[阅读全文:]
摘要: 英文名称:Divergence 中文名称:偏离证券价格与指标的趋势存在一定差异。When the price of an asset and an indicator, index or other r[阅读全文:]
摘要: 英文名称:Drawdown 中文名称:提取借款/动用贷款/启用贷款泛指从金融机构(国际货币基金组织、银行等)提取借款。e.g. LME nickel jumps on the back of a maj[阅读全文:]
摘要: 英文名称:Death Cross 中文名称:死叉技术分析用语。指原本向上呈多头排列的短、中、长期平均线,其短期平均线自上方逐渐走平且向下斜插(跌破)中、长期平均线,并带动中、长期平均线同步向下行成空头排[阅读全文:]
摘要: Buying and selling stocks according to a screen based on predetermined criteria, usually with the hel[阅读全文:]
摘要: A weighted measure of how much a stock has risen or fallen over a certain period, usually a year. Generally, more emphasis is placed on recent activity by assigning higher weights to it than those ass[阅读全文:]
摘要: A point on a candle stick chart representing a day in which the underlying price has moved up. Candlesticks will have a body and usually two wicks on each end. The bottom of the white body represents [阅读全文:]
摘要: In technical analysis, it is a naturally occurring trading pattern present in all financial markets. The pattern is composed of five waves showing supply and demand and a fight towards an equilibrium [阅读全文:]
摘要: A trend following indicator that is used to predict when a given security's momentum is reversing. The indicator is used by traders to eliminate random price fluctuations and attempts to profit when [阅读全文:]
摘要: A price zone in which a stock finds resistance and begins to trade downward. In technical analysis, that support occurs not at a finite point, but in a zone. The "density" of the zone of resistance [阅读全文:]