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Qualified Annuity
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1674次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 16:05


An financial product that accepts and grows funds, and is funded with pre-tax dollars. "Qualified" is a descriptor given by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to indicate that the qualified annui[阅读全文:]

Qualified Disclaimer
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1756次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 16:05

摘要: A refusal to accept property that meets with provisions set forth in the Internal Revenue Code Tax Reform Act of 1976 allowing for the property or interest in property to be treated as an entity that [阅读全文:]

Qualified Distribution
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1780次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 16:05

摘要: Distributions made from a Roth IRA that are tax and penalty free. In order to be a qualified distribution, the following two requirements must be met:

1) It must occur at least five years afte[阅读全文:]

Qualified Joint And Survivor Annuity - QJSA
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1923次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 16:05

摘要: An annuity payment from a qualified plan or 403(b) account that provides a life annuity to the participant and a survivor annuity for the spouse after the participant’s death. QJSA rules apply t[阅读全文:]

Qualified Professional Asset Manager - QPAM
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2765次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 16:05

摘要: A registered investment advisor/manager. The criteria for qualifying as a QPAM are defined by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Regulated institutions such as banks and insurance co[阅读全文:]

Post-Retirement Risk
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1679次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 16:05

摘要: The potential risks to financial security that a retired individual could encounter. Post-retirement risks can result in unexpected costs and expenses or lower income, which can jeopardize even the be[阅读全文:]

Pension Plan
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1873次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 16:05

摘要: A type of retirement plan, usually tax exempt, wherein an employer makes contributions toward a pool of funds set aside for an employee's future benefit. The pool of funds is then invested on the emp[阅读全文:]

Pension Shortfall
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1725次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 16:05

摘要: A situation in which a company offering employees a defined benefit plan does not have enough money set aside to meet the pension obligations to employees who will be retired in the future.

Pensionable Service
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1694次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 16:05


The period of service, expressed in a yearly figure, for which a worker has established pension credits for a pension plan. Pension benefits are typically based on the worker's pensionable service[阅读全文:]

Phased Retirement
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1603次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 16:05

摘要: A broad range of employment arrangements that allow an employee who is approaching retirement age to continue working with a reduced workload, and eventually transition from full-time work to full-tim[阅读全文:]