Friendly Takeover
A situation in which a target company's management and board of directors agree to a merger or acquisition by another company. In a friendly takeover, a public offer of stock or cash is made by the acquiring firm, and the board of the target firm will publicly approve the buyout terms, which may yet be subject to shareholder or regulatory approval. This stands in contrast to a hostile takeover, where the company being acquired does not approve of the buyout and fights against the acquisition.
Taobiz explains Friendly Takeover
In most cases, if the board approves a buyout offer from an acquiring firm, the shareholders will vote to pass it as well. The key determinant in whether the buyout will occur is the price per share being offered. The acquiring company will offer a premium to the current market price, but the size of this premium (given the company's growth prospects) will determine the overall support for the buyout within the target company.
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