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Dividend Reinvestment Plan - DRIP

英文名称:Dividend Reinvestment Plan 中文名称:股息再投资计划
e.g. BP p.l.c. was advised on 3 July 2008, by Equiniti that Mr. I.C. Conn, a Director of BP p.l.c. received 313 BP Ordinary shares (ISIN number GB0007980591) on 13 June 2008 at GBP5.9672 per share, through the BP dividend reinvestment plan.

A plan offered by a corporation that allows investors to reinvest their cash dividends by purchasing additional shares or fractional shares on the dividend payment date.

A DRIP is an excellent way to increase the value of your investment. Most DRIPs allow you to buy shares commission free and at a significant discount to the current share price. Most DRIPS don't allow reinvestments much lower than $10.

This term is sometimes abbreviated as "DRP".




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