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Barcelona Stock Exchange (BAR) .BC

One of Spain's four major securities exchanges. Established in 1915 during the industrial boom and coinciding with the emergence of the region's first corporations, the Barcelona Stock Exchange (in Spanish, the Bolsa de Barcelona) trades warrants, ETFs, public debt, Latin American stocks and more, using both computer-assisted trading and open-outcry floor trading.

Taobiz explains Barcelona Stock Exchange (BAR) .BC
The Barcelona Stock Exchange is a member of Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, an organization designed to streamline Spain's four major securities exchanges (Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona and Bilbao). BAR's official index is the BCN-100 Index, a trade-weighted index consisting of the exchange's 100 most-traded companies. It also has several other indexes, including the BCN PER-30, BCN ROE-30, BCN MID-50 and BCN INDEXCAT.




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