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    1925年,Wincanton Transport %26amp; Engineering Ltd (WT%26amp;E) created. A subsidiary of the West Surrey Central Dairy Company Ltd, its role is primarily to maintain dairy plant and equipment

    1929年,West Surrey Central Dairy Company Ltd. changes its name to Cow %26amp; Gate

    Early 1950s Cow %26amp; Gate merges with United Dairies to become Unigate Ltd. WT%26amp;E continues to operate as a separate company.

    1970s WT%26amp;E splits into two separate companies: Wincanton Transport Ltd (WTL) responsible for petro-chemical and milk haulage, Wincanton Engineering Ltd for engineering activities WTL diversifies further, moving into the field of temperature controlled operations Wincanton Chilled Distribution (WCD) links manufacturers to St Ivel’s regional distribution centres.

    1980s WTL uses its experience and knowledge to offer customers total fleet management in new market sectors.

    1992年,WCD merges with Unigate Chilled Distribution (previously part of St Ivel) UCD’s dedicated warehousing and retail distribution services, combined with WCD’s activities, more than double the size of Wincanton’s distribution business.

    1993年,Wincanton makes its largest acquisition to date, with the purchase of Glass Glover Group Working for major retailers, Glass Glover’s large composite depots and operating base in the north of England and Scotland complement Wincanton’s distribution activities.

    1995年,Wincanton enhances its logo and adds the word ‘Logistics’ to its title, reflecting its market sector and activities more accurately

    2000年11月,UNIQ formerly Unigate, confirms its intention to demerge Wincanton。1月,Wincanton launches new corporate identity。12月,Wincanton acquires P%26amp;O Trans European.

    2001年5月,Wincanton plc, as an independent company, quoted on the London Stock Exchange。1月,Wincanton acquires midiData.

    2005年4月,Wincanton opens purpose-built corporate headquarters in Chippenham, UK.

    2005年10月,Wincanton acquires Premium Logistics in France.

    2006年2月,Wincanton enters FTSE 250.




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