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Exotic Option

奇异期权(Exotic Options)   
比常规期权(标准的欧式或美式期权 )更复杂的衍生证券,这些产品通常是场外交易或嵌入结构债券。比如执行价格不是一个确定的数,而是一段时间内的平均资产价格的期权,或是在期权有效期内如果资产价格超过一定界限,期权就作废。

An option that differs from common American or European options in terms of the underlying asset or the calculation of how or when the investor receives a certain payoff. These options are more complex than options that trade on an exchange, and generally trade over the counter.

For example, one type of exotic option is known as a chooser option. This instrument allows an investor to choose whether the options is a put or call at a certain point during the option's life. Because this type of option can change over the holding period, it is not be found on a regular exchange, which is why it is classified as an exotic option.

Other types of exotic options include: barrier options, Asian options, digital options and compound options, among others.




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