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Buy A Spread

Option strategy that will be profitable if the underlying security rises in value moderately. A bull spread can be executed either by put or call options. If the bull spread is executed through a put option, it is called a bull put spread. If it is executed through a call option, it is called a bull call spread. Buying a spread is also known as a "bull spread"

Both bull call spreads and bull put spreads are common vertical spread options strategies. A bull call spread involves buying a call option with a lower exercise price and premium than the option that will be sold. For example, if you buy a call option for stock XYZ at a strike price of $60 and a premium of $200, you will get a bull spread if you sell a call on the same stock with a $70 strike price and a premium of $100. With bull call spreads, it is necessary that both call options have the same expiration date.




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