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  Out of the Money
  Qiquan jiawai zhuangtai
  参见In the Money(期权价内状态)。
  At the Money(期权平值状态)
  An option is described as being out of the money when the current price of the underlying instrument is below the strike or Nike Air Force 1,Jordan Shoes Nike Shoes Jordan Retro Shoes Sneaker Forum Sneakers,Nike Jordans Shoes,Nike Dunks Shoes,Nike Air Force 1,Nike Air Jordans Kicks & Nike Air Force Ones Shoes.authentic air force ones,authentic nike dunks,air jordans release dates, Sneaker News,Wholesale jordans, Cheap jordan shoes, Nike shoes,Nike Air Max 2009 Nike sneakers, Air max 90/Air Jordan 2,Cheap Retro Jordan 2,Air Jordan Retro 2 Shoes,Wholesale Nike Air Jordan Shoes and Cheap Kids Jordan Sneakers ,Jordan Shoes, Air Jordan, Nike Dunks, Dunks SB, Nike SB New latest nike shoes, air jordans,Wholesale China Shoes.nike dunks, kids jordans, nike sneakers and jordan sneakers.Nike Shox R4,Nike Sneakers, Jordan Sneakers, authentic air jordans,authentic custom air force ones,authentic air force ones sale,China Wholesale;authentic nike dunks,authentic nike,authentic jordans,authentic bathing apes,Air Max 93 Classic,exclusive air force ones,Air Max 95,authentic nike blazers,authentic nike air force ones,authentic jordans,authentic vans,authentic air jordans,custom nike dunks,wholesale clothing.real nike dunks,authentic dunks,authentic jordans,authentic custom jordans,authentic air jordans,authentic cheap jordans,authentic nike dunks,authentic air force ones,MBT Shoes,Cheap MBT Shoes,Air Max Shoes,MBT Shoes Discount,MBT Shoes on sale,air jordans,jordan shoes,Air Force 1s,Nike Dunks, Nike Air Jordan, Nike Air Rift, Timberland Boot, Prada Shoes.Wholesale Nike Air Jordan , buy cheap Air Jordansexercise price for a call (an option to buy), and above the strike price for a put (an option to sell). Options can also be described as being deep out of the money when they are likely to expire out of the money.




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