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IRS Publication 560: Retirement Plans for Small Business (SEP, SIMPLE and Qualif

A document published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that provides information for business owners who wish to set up retirement plans for themselves and their employees. It outlines what type of plan to set up, how to set it up, how much can be contributed, how much is deductible, how to treat distributions and how to report information about the plan to both the IRS and to employees.

IRS Publication 560 provides specific information for Simplified Employee Pension (SEP), SIMPLE IRAs, and qualified plans, which include Keoghs (for the self-employed) and 401(k)s.

Contributions that a business owner makes to a personal plan or on behalf of the employees are typically allowed to be deducted. Each type of plan covered in the document has its pros and cons, and some plans are not available to employers of a certain size.

IRS Publication 560 provides a quick reference chart to employers, which indicates the last date for contribution in the tax year, the maximum contribution that can be made to the plan, the maximum deduction allowed, and when the plan can be set up.




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