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Ex Works - EXW

A trade term requiring the seller to deliver goods at his or her own place of business. All other transportation costs and risks are assumed by the buyer.

|||Contracts involving international transportation often contain abbreviated trade terms that outline matters such as the time and place of delivery and payment, the time when the risk of loss shifts from the seller to the buyer, and the party who pays the costs of freight and insurance.

The most commonly known trade terms are Incoterms, which are published by the International Chamber of Commerce. These are often identical in form to domestic terms, such as the American Uniform Commercial Code, but have different meanings. As a result, parties to a contract must expressly indicate the governing law of their terms.

It's important to realize that because this is a legal term, its exact definition is complicated and differs by country. It is suggested that you contact an international trade lawyer before using any trade term.




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上一篇 European Economic and Monetary Union - EMU    下一篇 Expedited Funds Availability Act - EFAA

