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Tomorrow Next - Tom Next

In currency transactions, the purchase and sale of a currency made to avoid taking actual delivery of the currency. The current position is closed out at the daily close rate and re-entered at the new opening rate the next trading day. Also referred to as "tomorrow next procedure".

|||In most currency trades, delivery is two days after the transaction date. Tomorrow-next trades arise because most currency traders are speculators and have no intention of taking delivery of the currency. If a trader buys and closes out his or her currency position the same business day, there isn't a problem with delivery. But traders who wish to hold their position over the current business day and have no intention of accepting delivery of the currency would use tomorrow-next procedures: the position is closed out that business day at a closing rate, and then the position is re-established the following day. This allows the trader to hold the position for that day without worrying about delivery.




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