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Right Hand Side - RHS

The ask or offer price of a foreign exchange rate. A quote for foreign exchange appears as two prices (known as the bid/ask spread); for example, 1.2591 - 1.3592. The right hand side, in this case 1.3592, represents the available offer price for the base currency or the bid rate for the quoted currency.

|||The right hand side (RHS) is, literally, the right-hand side of the foreign exchange price quote. This is the price that the market is willing to sell a currency pair and the price that traders buy in. The size of the bid/ask spread is an indicator of the current liquidity in a market. A tight spread means there is good liquidity and helps cut down on losses. Forex brokers typically make money off of the bid/ask spread; the difference between the bid and the ask price is the profit on the transaction.




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