International Currency Exchange Rate
The rate at which two currencies in the market can be exchanged. International currency exchange rates display how much of one unit of a currency can be exchanged for another currency. Currency exchange rates can be floating, in which case they change continually based on a multitude of factors. Alternatively, the exchange rates of some foreign currencies are pegged, or fixed, to other currencies, in which case they move in tandem with the currencies to which they are pegged.
|||International currency exchange rates are important in today's global economy. Knowing the value of your home currency in relation to different foreign currencies helps investors to analyze investments priced in foreign dollars.
For example, for a U.S. investor, knowing the dollar to euro exchange rate is valuable when choosing European investments. A declining U.S. dollar could increase the value of foreign investments, just as an increasing U.S. dollar value could hurt the value of foreign investments.
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