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CHF (Swiss Franc)

The currency abbreviation for the Swiss franc (CHF), the currency for Switzerland. Switzerland has four official languages; therefore, the currency is known as;

Language Currency Name Sub-unit 1/100
German Schweizer Franken Rappen (Rp.)
French Franc Suisse Centime (c.)
Italian Franco Svizzero Centesimo (ct.)
Romanish Franc Svizzer Rap (rp.)

The Swiss franc is often presented with the symbol CHF, Fr., SFr. It is one of the most traded currencies in the world

|||The swiss franc was officially recognized as Switzerland's currency in May of 1850. It replaced several currencies issued by the different states of the federal states of Switzerland, known as the cantons of Switzerland. This was done by the Swiss federal government in order to simplify the complex monetary system. The abbreviation "CHF" is derived from the Latin name of the country, "Confoederatio Helvetica".




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