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Pump And Dump
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2292次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:13

摘要: A scheme that attempts to boost the price of a stock through recommendations based on false, misleading or greatly exaggerated statements. The perpetrators of this scheme, who already have an establis[阅读全文:]

Pump Priming
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2012次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:13

摘要: The action taken to stimulate an economy, usually during a recessionary period, through government spending, and interest rate and tax reductions. The term "pump priming" is derived from the operati[阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1530次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:13

摘要: 1. A trader who hopes to make quick profits. Basically, another term for "speculator".

2. A British and Australian term for one who gambles, a bettor.
A punter's approach is to specu[阅读全文:]

Push On A String
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1609次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:13

摘要: When monetary policy cannot entice consumers into spending more money or investing in an economy, even if monetary policy is loosened to to put more money into peoples' hands. This term is often attr[阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1369次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:13

摘要: To take a new service, product or product feature - that a company has provided to a single customer or a few customers on a custom basis - and turn it into a standard, fully tested, packaged, support[阅读全文:]

Profit Taking
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1236次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:13

摘要: The action of selling stock to cash in on a sharp rise. This action pushes prices down temporarily. When traders are profit taking, the implication is that there is an upward trend in the security. [阅读全文:]

Protest Divestment
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1473次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:13

摘要: The intentional selling of stock or other assets on a large scale to create financial pressure on a corporation or government to force social change. Protest divestment is a form of shareholder activi[阅读全文:]

Prudent Investor Act
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1281次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:13


A U.S. law that sets the standard of fiduciary duty for those entrusted with the responsibility of managing others' money, such as trustees and estate administrators. It requires that a trustee we[阅读全文:]

Public Offering
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1654次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:13

摘要: The sale of equity shares or other financial instruments by an organization to the public in order to raise funds for business expansion and investment. Public offerings of corporate securities in the[阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1657次 词条创建者:taobiz     创建时间:04-09 18:13

摘要: Slang for selling off a losing position even if the loss is substantial.

The point at which an investor decides to sell regardless of price has been dubbed "the puke point." This follo[阅读全文:]