Shares given for free to insiders of a society, a firm or a company when that same society, firm or company is undergoing the process of demutualization. Windfall shares are often give[阅读全文:]
Work that has not been completed but has already incurred a capital investment from the company.
Taobiz explains Work in Progress - WIP
This is us[阅读全文:]
When a minority shareholder (or shareholders) has enough voting power to influence or determine corporate policy. Working control exists particularly in corporations with widely disper[阅读全文:]
A company that makes a friendly takeover offer to a target company that is being faced with a hostile takeover from a separate party.
Taobiz exp[阅读全文:]
Very similar to a "white knight", but instead of purchasing a majority interest, the squire purchases a lesser interest in the target firm.
A slang term for a broker-dealer firm that is strongly against hostile takeover practices.
Taobiz explains White-Shoe Firm
The white-shoe[阅读全文:]
A strategy that a takeover target uses to try and thwart an undesired takeover attempt. The target firm issues a large amount of shares at below-market prices, which the acquiring comp[阅读全文:]
An exchange-traded fund that invests in companies operating in industries such as water treatment and purification, water utilities, water monitoring, and broader distribution [阅读全文:]
Stock that is issued with a value much greater than the value of the issuing company's assets. Watered stock can be caused by excessive stock dividends, overvalued assets and/or large[阅读全文:]
A chart where each data point is comprised of the price movement for a single week of trading. This type of chart typically shows high, low, open, and close for the whole week and does[阅读全文:]